Happy Birthday Will

Yesterday was my Godson’s birthday.

He is all the way down under and needless to say, I have not been able to spend most of his birthday’s with him.

Well, he is all grown up now (and still growing mind you), and I would like to dedicate this entry to him and only him.

I just want to tell him that I wish I could spend more time with him, and I am looking forward to their visit towards the end of the year and I am extra doubly proud of how he is handling the discomfort from his braces.  “Godpa used to have those as well and knows how uncomfortable it can get.”

Happy Birthday dearest William.  I really hope you had a great time on your birthday and may you have many many more birthdays and fun to come.  Love, Godpa.

ThreeBros 1010345a

sorry Bern, swiped your photo to use. grin. thanks for sending it.