Well, from the subject, you would have already guessed what this post is about…. my poor aching body…..
I must say that it has been a productive weekend. I hope that yours was as busy as mine. (I wish)
Mel and I started off the weekend with a couples run. We were invited to be special guests at this annual run where couples will have to run 8km together and most importantly, finish together. We absolutely jumped at the chance to be able to do a run together. If you don’t already know, I simply love being able to do things with my darling wife and I really appreciate the fact that she makes the effort to run with me.
We did manage to complete the 8 km race and most importantly, we had loads of fun.
After the run, we had to rush off to attend Mel’s cousin’s wedding and we made it in time to mingle, witness the solemnization and sit down to enjoy a lovely lunch. Congratulations A&N! Here’s wishing you both a blissful life together as man and wife! After that, I had to rush off to work.
So, in case you didn’t know, SAFRA has launched a brand new lifestyle portal. It is for anyone out there who has an interest. Whatever that may be, this portal is for YOU. Whether it is photography, sports, movies, music, etc…. you will be able to find it there. If you have not already clicked on the link, what you waiting for?
The next reason why my body could possibly be aching would be the fact that I joined the Monday Ride Crew for a very nice 40 km ride on Fenix. I must admit, I do miss my old bike… but so far, Fenix has been carrying me well, albeit not as fast and light. But still a good ride nevertheless…. introducing the Monday Ride Crew!