Just a Quick One

Yesterdays party celebrating 60 years of soles and stripes was awesome….
although…. I did have a bit of problem when I went to work today cos, I was shouting so much trying to talk over the music that I was left with almost no voice today.

It was great hitting the streets of Orchard again and it felt good to be “home”.

Plus I got to take peekture with the All-American Rejects who were in town for the launch of the new music revolution hitting Singapore, but more of that in another post.

Well, I gotta hit the sack cos I have another long day tomorrow….

oH! and just a reminder…. remember to tune in Okto tomorrow at 9pm cos it will be the first episode of Happily Ever After. And, just in case you didn’t know, Okto is channel number 8 on your set top box!