You Cannot Always….

… believe what you read.

I tell you, sometimes I really wonder.

While we were out today, I chanced upon this local magazine (quite new I think).  Was flipping through the pages and came across an article about the recent OSIM Singapore Triathlon.  The next thing I read made me laugh till my sides ached.  Well, it did sound like I was a superman, but I really have to say that it wasn’t a very accurate article….

First of all, yes I was there. But I was definitely not taking part in the Olympic Distance event the next day.

I had formed a team and was taking part in the Sprint relay event that same day.

Oh, and I am definitely not a veteran triathlete.

I am really sorry if the article misled you but hey! at least I cleared the air…..

So this will just remind you that you really cannot read everything you read…. it just might be slightly inaccurate.  I am not saying that everything you read is wrong or inaccurate.  Just don’t be so quick to believe everything you read, and if you really want to find out if it is true or not, just ask the person involved.  Easy as that.



But then again, where would be the fun in that right?